Still asking for PDA/handheld recommendations
I have asked around for recommendations because I am planning to buy one but there are so many choices and I have a limited budget.
Carl has posted on my LJ his recommendations and I have surfed the web for some reviews and found several. The Eten is still rather high-end for me. Aside from that, I have heard from my friend who has contacts in Mobile1 that the hardware isn't very reliable and it hangs. Not a very good thing because I really want to get something worth all the money I will be setting aside. I was thinking of looking at low-priced models that don't have colored screens but I thought that it might be more difficult to have those things fixed in case something happens because of the lack of availability of parts, etc. Maybe I should write down what my considerations are in buying such a gadget.
Purpose: I want to buy one because of I want to read and edit txt, pdf and doc files anywhere, everywhere, anytime.
Cost: It shouldn't be greater than Php20,000. If it's around Php10,000-Php16,000 I guess it's ok. Lower price? That would be amazing!
Battery life: Will it last me the whole day? What if the battery dies out? Will I be easily able to replace it?
Wear and tear: I am clumsy. Does it easily break or something like it? Sometimes, I drop things by accident. (Maybe a lot of times...)
Compatibility with my computer: I want to easily sync it with my computer. My OSes: Windows 2000 Pro and Mandrake 10 (which I use more often).
Software: I would like a great PIM software and stuff to view and edit my files. There should also be a nice Bible, concordance and dictionary software that I could use on it.
Input: I hope that it has Graffiti or something like it. My current PDA is hard to use because it's like using a keyboard on the touch screen. Not very convenient when you want to take down notes during a meeting or when you just need to jot down a quick reminder to yourself.
Expansion slot: A must have.
Others: A colored screen, mp3 playing capability and image viewing are not necessary. (Although the mp3 feature would be great.) Games are not much on my mind. If it has games in it, like tetris or something, I will manage.
Intended date of purchase: December 2004.
Is that list something substantial enough for anyone out there to give me a recommendation? I could expand that list further if I need to. Thank you for your time!
An article about FURL vs.
I am quite new to FURL and not so new to and I like both of them. I haven't chosen one over the other yet.
This is where you can read about it:
Ok, maybe not a a tech blog, but a geek blog...
I am not much of tech-oriented person. I like information a lot and I wish I knew how to make information available to others aside from being a librarian. I guess that's one of the reasons why I like posting Furl and a lot and try to make them accessible to others.
Anyway, I decided that this is going to be more of my geek blog, which means it would not just cover the tech stuff I am looking at or dabbling into but also books, games, etc.
Let me take this time to plug (eherm!) one of the books that I just bought today (after digging through various National Bookstore outlets' shelves):
Mister Beetle's Many Rooms by Robert Magnuson
This is a children's book published by Adarna House and it is in two languages, English and Filipino. It is not expensive at the price of Php52. It is a book that is recommended for children ages 10-11 years old.
The blurb goes like this:
Mr. Beetle posted a sign in front of his house that read - This House of Five Rooms Belongs to Mr. Beetle. No Tresspassing Please. But soon, other creatures came to live in his house and his house seemed to be growing rooms!
If you are with kids a lot and you teach them and do things with them or if they have birthdays and you don't know what to give, do check out this book:)
If you think you have heard of Robert Magnuson, you might have already read Shirley's Pets. You could read his blog on
The Quackfest!By the way, he also has another book which is
"The Spectacular Tree" and it is published by Lampara.
My XMMS works fine again!
I have no idea what happened. It suddenly just started working fine again.
After several weeks of "freezing up on me" XMMS started running without a hitch! I can now listen to my mp3s while working on my projects.
So I am very much happy using Mandrake 10 right now. After all, I have the apps that I need.
And by the way, I have switched back to using GNOME again. It is quite nice actually.
I like GEDIT and the tabbed mode a lot. I have been easily moving from one workspace to another. I have been using GNOME as my GUI frequently. It's pretty!
Tech blog?
I guess this is where I will be posting more on the tech stuff that I read about and the links I get from all over. I have noticed that this is more of my tech blog than my livejournal (lj). I do post seemingly mundane things here but I guess my lj would be more personal than this. I have been very much at home with the lj community and so it shall remain that way.
A Go workstation?
Yep! It's true. You could do that by using Hikarunix and I got the link from one of the Pisay 98 bloggers, The Wandering Geek.
You could actually pop it in your CDROM/CDRW drive and presto! You have it running.
My sister likes to learn Go and we got hooked on to Hikaru no Go (HNG) so I guess it would be nice to download that distro. After all, it is like Knoppix, which is on live CD^_^
(I have yet to burn a copy of Knoppix so that I could bring it and show it to some people who are interested in Linux but are afraid to try... Just like me, in my pre-Mandrake10/Win2000Pro days.)
The link to the Hikarunix is here. Download it and try it if you like. There is also a link to the HNG manga on the site^_^
It is a very interesting concept indeed.
Flooble chatterbox and the tag-board
I have used various tag-boards and shoutboxes before but I have come back to using Flooble. Funny, isn't it? Well, the original tag-board I used before isn't accessible anymore. The source was down, I think. Oh well. And now I have come back to Flooble. I guess that what I really like about it is that it keeps a history of the conversations that have gone on in it. And I even have the IP addresses of the people who have used the chatterbox. At least, I could access those comments and stuff and save them. I must sound really weird for thinking of saving those comments and what not. Those do come in handy sometimes.
I thinking of using the tag-board I got from but I might not post it here on my blog. Maybe somewhere else on the site. But for this blog, I think I will stick with my flooble chatterbox.
Oh! Happy Day
To release tension and have a time of R & R, I watched Oh! Happy Day yesterday and it was indeed an "Oh! Happy Day"! As usual, Jang Nara made me laugh and cry and want to be as crazy as I wanna be. She was really cute and weird and endearing.
Now I wanna spread that Oh! Happy Day love...
So who wants a copy? ^_-
email me here: happy (dot) eclair (at) gmail (dot) com
I really need a break
A snippet of my Y!IM conversation with Brymac. This is obviously a proof of my need for rest.
Brymac: ur last post in bizhat is grammatically screwed.
Clair: ha?
Clair: Oh no!
Clair: :(
Clair: My brain ain't working right...
Brymac: I am at work now but I can't take a leave since I have been using up my sick leaves and vacation leaves early this year
Clair: I need a new CMOS battery, dude!
Clair: Gimme one!
Brymac: i guess you do.
Clair: isn't that proof enough
Clair: ?!
Clair: Actually I was thinking that it was weird when I typed it. But i typed it in anyway. What is wrong with me?
Clair: :(
Brymac: overheated na ata cpu mo. off mo muna sa weekend kahit umaga or hapon lang
I have been frustrated this week because I have been feeling lazy. Not just lazy but it's as if my analytical and logical unit isn't working right. As my sister put it, "Neechan, you need a new CMOS battery."
I guess I do. I have been in front of the computer almost every evening, sifting through my old draft and the new information I have gathered for the project I am working on. And yet I get so sleepy even before 12 midnight. I have caught myself time and again, dozing off. Argh. That hurts my schedule really badly. Each delay causes a workload pile up. That's not good. Anyway, I will try to catch some Z's early this evening. My body really needs to recharge. I am work now but I can't take a leave since I have using up my sick leaves and vacation leaves early this year:(
Sigh... The travails of a yuppie is getting the best of me.
Azumanga wallpaper
Brymac emailed me yesterday that he made an Azumanga wallpaper. Do you like Azumanga?
click here to see the wallpaper:) He also has a listing of his new anime downloads here.
Market!Market! and Kontact
That mall is right across where I work. It's pretty much like Glorietta but I think that their target audienc is all kinds of people, not just the A-B crowd. The layout is very much like Glorietta's.
Things I like about Market!Market!:
- It's across the office:D
- It has Watson's and Mercury Drug and they're open already.
- They have a crafts shop:D
- National Bookstore and Ex Libris are both there.
- They have Tokyo Tokyo, Trellis and Dampa!
- They have 6 cinemas and the prices are Php 75-100.
- It is accessible from C5 and EDSA-Ayala (via jeep).
I tried asking some people if they want to go there. No one has showed enthusiasm except for three of them. Anyone who wants to explore the place? Please leave me a message on the flooble chatterbox/tag-board on the side if you do^_^ Hopefully I will bring a camera so it would be posted on this blog and/or my LJ.
Anyone out there who are running KDE apps?
I have been using Kontact for several weeks now and I didn't know until today that it is possible to make hierarchies of tasks there. Wow! This is great! I like it. I never tried google-ing up the info until today.
I found the information here:
Now I wish I could sync my Cassiopeia PV400 plus with my computer^_^;
Furl on the sidebar
I have added my Furl-ed links on the sidebar. I never thought I could do that. Furl has a straight-forward site. I have no idea how Markku adds his links but I am glad that Furl could be added just like Blogrolling.
To plug and unplug
This morning, I got to the office early. I was hoping to get some files online. I was expecting some emails. BUT I had no internet connection. Actually, the computers in the library had no internet connection. I was almost in panic mode but I thought that the guy from the IT department might be early. He wasn't. He is sick so he is not here today.
That was the moment I started panicking.
Anyway, Trebs was online so I sent him IMs through Yahoo! IM and he suggested some things I could do to (hopefully) make it work. I have tried running CMD and typing ipconfig /renew but it didn't work either. So what did he tell me?
To switch the hub on and off.
It worked! Why? Sir Lawrence told me that it actually forced the renewal of the IP add.
Something new I learned today^_^
I am also on FURL.
This is my archive:
I have yet to integrate my FURL account here:)
It's great! Like!
Now I have my bookmarks online. Not just in my favorites^_^
Taken from Trebs
My gift is physical beauty?! Bwahahahaha!
This must be a big joke! Bwahahahahahahaha!
But I have to agree that most of it is true... Ok, everything is true. Except for the gift part.
Tag-board problems
I've been having problems with my tag-board so I decided to use flooble for a while. Please feel free to use it.:D
I've been thinking of so many things at the same time. Sorry if I don't get to post coherently. Writer's bloc? Not. It's just that my mind needs to defragment.^_^;; is up
Yup! I have put up this morning. You could now check it out for comments and suggestions. I treat that as my stress reliever. I have yet to tweak this blog for the background change and stuff. For the moment, it will remain pink.
And one more thing:
Firefox rocks!
Tweaks I made
I made some changes in this blog of mine:
- background color
- link colors
- header color for posts
- added a tag board
- added an atom feed
I wish that I have internet at home so I could easily tweak the template. I don't have a clue as to what I am doing actually. I just looked at the stuff on the template and went on and on as long as my brain could process things.
Earlier I tried asking Xenia of pedxing_04 to check my blog. I felt pathetic!
Xenia: ayaw pa din
eClair: bad..
Xenia: kaya mo yan!
Ok, ok, I have tweaked some stuff in this template. But I have to admit that it isn't easy. I have no idea what I am doing here. The code I made last night wouldn't work. Soooo...
I ended up just making a few changes here. Oh well. I am trying.
Must check out the settings and other services available
There are many things I have yet to explore on Blogger. That includes manipulating template so that I could have a personal layout, tweaking settings, etc. I should check out the FAQs. Or maybe even download them. I wish I have the time.
Blogging about work
I heard from someone that someone got fired for blogging about work.
That's a a warning for all of us who work. We can't rant and rave online about our jobs. Unless, of course, you have very secret code names for yourself, your job and your office's whereabouts.
Circumvention is the name of the game.
Just a short post.
I am somehow enjoying the busy-ness. Partly. I hate being idle.
So this will be short post.
Hmmm. I am wondering. Do I have such a strong personality? Do I initmidate people? I know that I have a tendency for a short fuse but I generally am in a good mood. I hope that I don't intimidate people I need to work with. Actually, I am usually intimidated by them to tell the truth. Oh well.
Kitty and Clair
Here's a picture Brymac took during the weekend when we dropped by Pisay:

On the left, is me (Clair). Beside me is my friend Kitty (Jason Alcarez). I like bugging him around. He's like Garfield^_-