eclair, etc. : Blog


Test post via email was a success!

But the tags were rendered as part of the message. At least it worked. Now I know it does^_^ This is good when I can't go online for a long time. Sometimes Blogger takes a while to load. Then again the email took a while before it got posted. But I am glad it works. I hope that Blogger improves on this. There are many people who use Blogger and would benefit from that service. Good thing NBAAddict pointed out this feature! I will test it again another time and hopefully it would post faster than the previous attempt.


At 09:23, Anonymous said...

The email-to-blog has been up for a long long time. Even before Blogger was bought out by Google. At that time, this feature was only for Paid subscribers.

I know a lot of my friends who have been using this feature btw. I used to use this too when I was with Blogger. You should know that Wordpress can do the same thing. ;)

- Head Geekette

At 17:06, Edwin "ka edong" said...

yup, email posting works in blogger. I've used it a lot in the past. but back in november, i had an experience where my article sent via e-mail wasn't posted promptly (see

What i'm looking for now is a service similar to tag-board or shoutbox which allows my visitors to e-mail their feedback and (instantly) find their e-mail in the feedback box on my website.

wish me luck! ;-)



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